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DEFINITIONS: Regenerative, Biomimetic, Sustainable, Permaculture, etc. Design:

  1. Biomimetic (sometimes called Biomimicry); an emerging design discipline that looks to Nature for sustainable design Solutions. Cradle-to cradle: framework for designing manufacturing process "powered by renewable energy, in which flow in safe, regenerative, closed loop cycles", an which "identifies three key design principles in the intelligence of natural systems, which can inform human design: Waste equals Food: Use CurrentSolar income; Celebrate Diversity

  2. Ecoliteracy: the ability to understand the natural systems that make life on earth possible, including understanding the principles of organization of ecological communities (i.e. ecosystems) and using those principles for creating sustainable human communities.

  3. Ecological sustainability: a biocentric school of sustainability thinking that, based on ecology and living systems principles, focuses on the capacity of ecosystems to maintain their essential functions and processes, and retain their biodiversity in full measure over the long-term " ; contrasts with technological sustainability based on technical and engineering approaches to sustainability.

  4. Ecology: the interdisciplinary scientific study of the living conditions of organisms in interaction with each other and with the surroundings, organic as well as inorganic.

Eco System Concepts:

  1. Ecosystem concept “a coherent framework for redesigning our landscapes, buildings, cities, and systems of energy, water, food, manufacturing and waste” through “the effective adaptation to and integration with nature’s processes.” It has been used more to shape an approach than as a scientific theory.

  2. Living systems thinking: a thinking technology, using systemic frameworks and developmental processes, for consciously improving the capacity to apply systems thinking to the evolution of human or social living systems.

  3. Permaculture: a contraction of permanent agriculture or permanent culture, permaculture was developed as a system for designing ecological human habitats and food production systems based on the relationships and processes found in natural ecological communities, and the relationships and adaptations of indigenous peoples to their ecosystems.

  4. Regenerative Design: a system of technologies and strategies, based on an understanding of the inner working of ecosystems that generates designs to regenerate rather than deplete underlying life support systems and resources within socio-ecological wholes.

  5. Regenerative Development: a system of technologies and strategies for generating the patterned whole system understanding of a place, and developing the strategic systemic thinking capacities, and the stakeholder engagement/commitment required to ensure regenerative design processes to achieve maximum systemic leverage and support, that is self-organizing and self- evolving.

  6. Restorative Design: sometimes called restorative environmental design; a design system that combines returning “polluted, degraded or damaged sites back to a state of acceptable health through human intervention” ] with biophiliac designs that reconnect people to nature.

  7. Locational Patterns: The patterns that depict the distinctive character and potential of a place and provide a dynamic mapping for designing human structures and systems that align with the living systems of a place.

  8. Place: the unique, multi-layered network of ecosystems within a geographic region that results from the complex interactions through time of the natural ecology (climate, mineral and other deposits, soil, vegetation, water and wildlife, etc.) and culture (distinctive customs, expressions of values, economic activities, forms of association, ideas for education, traditions, etc.).

  9. Pattern literacy: being able to read, understand and generate (“write”) appropriate patterns.

  10. Regenerative: a.To give new life or energy to; revitalize; to bring or come into renewed existence; impart new and more vigorous life. b.; To form, construct, or create anew, especially in an improved state; to restore to a better, higher or more worthy state; refreshed or renewed; c.To reform spiritually or morally; to improve moral condition; to invest with a new and higher spiritual nature; d. To improve a place or system, especially by making it more active or successful

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